Ritchey Woods
State Designated Nature Preserve [#69; 1983]
Ritchey Woods is a surprisingly large oasis in a highly developed area. There are several trails; many branch from the central Beech Hollow Trail. Your best bet is to walk the Beech Hollow Trail and explore side trails as your interests and mood direct. The Swamp Trail is a long-stemmed lollipop trail with a terminal boardwalk through wet woods. Creek Ridge Trail offers overlooks of Cheeney Creek and passes by an old cemetery. South Ridge Trail traverses some low-lying areas; skunk cabbage is present in spots. Traffic noise, and noise and even the smell of aviation fuel from the adjacent airport are all sometimes annoying.
Trail Map
Click to enlarge
Hamilton County. From I-69 Exit 203, west 0.2 miles on 96th Street to light at Hague Road, then north 0.8 miles to entrance on the left (west).
GPS: N 39 56.313 W 86 01.988
Bathrooms with flush toilets, shelter.
Finder Sketch
Click to enlarge
Nearby Natural Areas (miles)
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