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EcoIndiana is devoted to Indiana nature. It offers brief profiles of about 220 natural areas in the state, like state parks, nature preserves, and other places open to the public. Each profile includes driving directions, finder maps, a brief description of what you can expect to find once you get there, and a list of nearby natural areas with links to pages about those places. More than 100 profiles include trail sketches, and most include photographs.

You can find a very long list of natural area profiles available both on EcoIndiana and also on other websites by going to EcoIndiana's alphabetical list of natural areas. The list includes links to EcoIndiana pages about specific natural areas, and links to information about the natural areas that are available on the websites of land trusts, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, or other organizations that own or manage the properties.

EcoIndiana also has more focused pages devoted to each of Indiana's 92 counties. These county profile pages include links to EcoIndiana pages about natural areas within each county, a list of environmental organizations active in each county and links to the websites of those organizations, and a map illustrating the watersheds of each county, with links to additional information about each watershed.

Miscellaneous resources include a list of Indiana State Parks arranged by founding year, along with a tally of annual visitors, and a list of Indiana's National Natural Landmarks, with links to additional information about some of those.

I'll be adding more content as time allows.

Thank you for visiting I hope you found it useful.
Mike Habeck